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Pemba Island

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Pemba Island, the sister of Unguja and the true "Clove Island" is virgin, green and remote. It is located 40 kms north of Unguja (Zanzibar) and is about 70 kms long. The most reliable access to the island is by air charter, but sea ferries also ply between the two islands several days a week. Clove production is the mainstay of Pemba's economy. Tourism is still in its infancy, but several areas are now being developed to take advantage of the deep sea fishing in the Pemba channel and the unexplored dive sites. The following are some of the attractions, a visitor would expect to see and enjoy when visiting Pemba Island.

Beaches and Islands
Numerous beaches and islands surround the Pemba Island and the offshore coral reefs are in pristine condition providing excellent diving and snorkelling.

Ngezi Forest
The beautiful bat, known as the Pemba Flying Fox (Piteous Seychelles's comoroensis) is endemic in the dense Ngezi Equatorial Forest Reserve of Pemba. The bats are exceptionally large, much more than the common East African bat species, with a wingspan of up to 1.7 m.

Walking into the great Ngezi Forest (protected since the days of the Sultan) is a return to the period when indigenous rain forests blanketed the island.

Historic Remains of Pemba
Although as a destination, Pemba is remote, historically it is one of the oldest areas in East Africa. Ruins of ancient mosques, tombs and palaces in Mkamandume, Wambaa and Msuka Manifest this.

*Msuke Mjini Ruins - These are located on the Kigomasha peninsula in Pemba and consist of mosque ruins dating back to the 15th century. The inside of the circular praying niche showing the direction to Mecca is scratched with the date 816 AH i.e. (1414 AD).

*Chwaka - There are two sites of historical interest here. One is the 18th century remains of the Mazrui governor's headquarters. The ruins include a mosque, six family tombs and other graves. The other site is that of Harumi where the Nabahani rulers had their headquarters in the 15th century.

*Chake Chake - This is the oldest town in Pemba Island and has been occupied for many centuries. Ruins of an 18th century fort are found here.

*Ras Mkumbuu - It is a headland at the end of a long peninsula about 14 kms to the west of Chake Chake. New archaeological research shows that there were human settlements dating back to 6th century at Ras Mkumbuu. The ruins at the tip of the peninsula are believed to be one of the largest towns in East Africa during the 11th century. Today Ras Mkumbuu is the site of the ruins of a large mosque, fourteen elaborate and decorated pillar tombs, several wells and foundations of houses estimated to date from around the 14th or 15th century.

*Ruins at Pujini - These are the 13th century ruins of a fortified town in Pemba. They are located 10 kms south-east of Chake Chake. Pujini was the official seat of the infamous Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman who ruled Pemba around the 15th century prior to the arrival of Portuguese on the East African Coast.

*Mkia wa Ng'ombe Ruins - At this village stands the ruins of a big mosque, its huge size clearly reveals some evidence of the large Muslim population that once lived here. Tomb pillars and wells similar to those at Ras Mkumbuu are in evidence here also.
Bird Watching Activities

Bird watching is especially fascinating with some species believed to be found only in Pemba. At dusk, the Carmine Bee-Eaters dart and swoop, twist and dive, tucking wings missile-like to intercept in mid-air the insects of the evening. The sacred Ibis(those long billed birds sanctified by the Egyptians during the epoch of the Pharaohs) too, squawk noisily as they return to their sleeping places.

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