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Bwindi Uganda Safaris

​Bwindi Impenetrable Forest is an impressive national park located in western Uganda at the border of Rwanda and D.R.C. it is composed of an old and large stretch of green rainforest which extends over 330 square kilometers and ascends from 1100 meters to 2400 meters. The green trees plus plants drip with moisture and are a habitat to numerous birds, primates and butterflies to mention just a few.​ The highlight of any Uganda Safaris to bwindi is the opportunity to come face to face with the tranquil mountain gorillas that dwell in this forest.

The excursion is quite challenging and involves ascending and descending the muddy moist trails. However, when you finally meet these peaceful giants, you will be marveled by this wonderful encounter given that they share 97% of their DNA with humans. There are also several chimpanzees living in this forest so this is another wonderful opportunity to track these closest relatives. Bwindi is very unique because it is the only existing African Forest in which gorillas and chimpanzees co-exist.

Queen Elizabeth National Safari Adventure Uganda

​Uganda not only offers gorilla and chimpanzee tours you can also enjoy other things.​ Among them all, Queen Elizabeth National Park  is perhaps the finest with a great array of African Wildlife and is very accessible right in Uganda’s western corner.  Actually it is adjacent to Kibale Forest, Bwindi Impenetrable Forest as well as the Virunga Volcanoes hence can be entailed within a gorilla safari and chimp tracking. The park is situated at the bottom of the Mountain Rwenzori ranges and many of the adjacent tourist camps offer breath taking sights. It can be accessed in just 5 hours drive from Kampala. Queen Elizabeth National Park prides in a series of wildlife among which are elephant, lion, leopard, antelope such as the national Ugandan kob.


The  park is also habitat to more than 600 species of birds – with a quarter of the total birdlife in Africa! It covers an expanse of close to 2000 square kilometers with undulating hills plus savannah plains, green rainforest, Kazinga Channel as well as crater lakes. This 32km long water-body connects Lake Edward with Lake George and fills to the rim with hippos plus crocodiles. Watching at these animals from a thrilling sundowner boat cruise on the channel is such a memorable yet exciting experience. The park is extensive and the majority of tourists opt to stay within and about the Mweya Peninsula village. It is located on a grand waterfront at the foot of the Rwenzori Mountains and provides enormous game viewing.

For those interested in getting off the beaten-track, the renowned Ishasha Sector is isolated, rugged and ready with its impressive tree-climbing lions. And you may continue to the stunning Lake Mburo National Park which is actually halfway between Queen Elizabeth and the capital Kampala.


Lake Mburo Safari Expedition

​With just 250 sq kilometers, the national park will certainly leave you marveled and inspired!  The Lake Mburo National Park is just 3 and a half hours drive from the capital Kampala, but worth this thrilling trip when one considers that scarcities like Shoebill stork as well as the White-winged warbler which are inhabited in this area and are readily seen. If this is insufficient to get you fascinated, think that Lake Mburo National Park is habitat to approximately 313 different bird species and the famous big five as well as many others! Lake Mburo National Park’s terrain is complex and varied consisting of dry hillsides, lakes, rocky outcrops, swamps, bush thickets plus open  savanna woodlands.


Mgahinga National Park Tour Uganda​

Mgahinga National Park is situated in the southwestern Uganda, just on Uganda’s border with the adjacent Rwanda. It is part of the well-known Virunga Volcano ecosystem which also extends to Rwanda and the D.R.C.This volcanic region holds half of the enduring mountain gorillas in the world, with the remaining other half in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest. It is actually the smallest of all Uganda’s national parks covering an expanse of 33 square kilometers but it is home to a great population of birds, plants as well as animals. The mountain gorillas continually move among the 3 countries so they actually do not stay here all through the year. on the other hand, the Nyakagezi group which is habituated is frequently seen in the region and certainly makes for a memorable “Gorillas in the Mist” occurrence.

Mgahinga basically comprises of steamy rain forests at the foot of volcanoes. The terrain is green and abundant with bamboo plus mosses, which are a much preferred food for the gorillas, plus dripping leaves as well as damp bark. The volcanoes are attractive and offer a remarkable background to one of the most magical nature’s gifts.

Kampala City Trips Uganda

​Perhaps Kampala holds the biggest human population in Uganda of about 1.2 million and conveys a special charm not common in majority of the capital cities.​​ It is very exciting to move about the streets in Kampala which have very colorful and attractive markets that deal in a variety of fruits, livestock plus vegetables that result into excitement and a disharmony of noise.

There are several bars, nightclubs shopping malls, restaurants and theaters. The nightlife is so vibrant with numerous locals moving from one joint to another dancing all through the night. Better way to end your Uganda safari tour adventure. In addition, Kampala is very safe  city where can enjoy a length city trek instead of taking a taxi. Kampala is located at a 1220 meter altitude and was name from luganda phrase that says “Kasozi k’empala” which is translated as the “hill of Impala” – an antelope species. It experiences average temperatures which don’t usually exceed 30°C making this wonderful Kampala city an ideal all-year round tourist destination. The city is located only 34 kilometers north from the Entebbe International Airport so it is very possible to spend a night in the city at the start or finish of any Uganda tour.


Several travelers opt to stay in the city center and pleasure in its sights & sounds, while others prefer to stay in the suburbs yet still others rather being near Entebbe by the Shores of the legendary Lake Victoria. You can alternatively journey 90km east of the capital Kampala to Jinja to enjoy White Water Rafting on the great river Nile.


The Uganda’s equator is a major landmark in the country.

The imaginary line that divides the world into two halves is a source of attraction here as people what to have a feel of the area in which it passes.At this point you will have the opportunity to put one foot in the northern hemisphere and the other in the southern hemisphere. It is such an amazing feeling to know that you are standing at both sides of the word at the same time. At the equator the sun rises and falls rather fast, with equal length of days and nights. People living around the equator experience warm temperature for most of the time throughout the year making it a little hard to tell the difference in seasons.

Visit tea plantations

​The western part of the country particularly Fort portal is famous for its green lush of tea plantations. As you enter the town of Fort portal, this is the sight that welcomes you. Fields of tea plantations lined up on the hills give that part of the country a unique and beautiful curvature. You can always visit these tea plantations and even an opportunity to see the work that goes on in the fields that is to say see the workers pick the leaves and also see the process of producing the tea leaves in the factory.


Visit the largest villages you can ever find in East Africa

​Karamoja in the northern part of Uganda is one place that has the most manyatas (villages) in the whole of East Africa. In the earlier days these were nomads though this is changing with time. They were regarded hostile and many avoided making their way to their place fearing for their lives. Nowadays, Karamojongs are more friendly and hospitable. Many are willing to embrace changes and they are very glad when people visit them. Though reaching there is a little hard if you don’t have your own transport, taking a tour there is worthwhile not only to see the manyatas, but also their rich culture which is still very strong and not about to be diluted.


Rhino Safari in Uganda

​Ziwa Rhino sanctuary is one good place you will be able to see a good number of Rhinos which you cannot find in other national parks around the country. There are over 15 white rhinos living in a safe big walled enclosure which is aimed at protecting the animals from poachers who are responsible for their extinction in 1982. Rhinos were just reintroduced beginning with a male and female rhino that were got from Kenya. The Uganda Wildlife Authority then began a breeding program to revive the lost treasure. You will have the opportunity to be in close reach with these adorable creatures. There are plans of releasing them back to the wild once they reach a comfortable number but as of now you will enjoy them in their enclosure.

Canoe Uganda Safari, Lake Bunyonyi

​This is a big volcano lake having more than 29 small islands scattered across the water giving it a magical appearance. It lies in the South western part of the country between Kisoro and Kabale and is indeed a natural wonder given its unspeakable beauty that radiates miles away. Enjoy the early morning sight as the Lake Bunyonyi islands weave through the candy like streams of mist or the afternoon warm glow that bathes the island. You can also hire a canoe and enjoy a canoe ride on the natural breezed lake.

Tree Climbing Lions Uganda Safaris

​Ishasha is one of those tourist places which is very famous mostly for its tree climbing lions. Lions keep the whole day climbing trees or resting. Ishasha has a very beautiful sight you will find nowhere else in Africa. Most of them will be in the sycamore fig trees along with the acacia trees. These trees are big enough to offer as much support and shelter to the tree climbing lions as they need, especially in the rainy season. Enjoy driving around as you take memorable moments on your camera and also see other animals that are inhabitants of this place like elephants, antelopes, and buffalos name it. One of the things you are most likely to find amazing in Ishasha is the fact that the manes of the male lions are black.

Cross the Kazinga channel

​This channel is a connecting point for two lakes Edward to the west and George to the east. It is 32 kilometres long and is among the most important features in Queen Elizabeth Park. It is at this point that you can get such wonderful views of the whole park. Every many animals, birds as well as reptiles are drawn to the shores of the channel all year round and it is one f those few places with a large number of hippos and Nile crocodiles. To get a better view of these animals, you will need to go on a boat cruise which is usually done from 3pm to 5pm.

Spend a day at Ndere Cultural center.

If you are one of those people that enjoy cultural performances, this is the perfect place to spend your day. Ndere is a cultural troupe that has been around for so many years and has mastered all East African dances that they perform them like they authored them. The entertainment is very captivating all the way with the dancers performing very energetically and happy till the end. They promote traditional skill and knowledge using music, dance and drama. You can give away your Sunday from 6pm to 9pm to enjoy a high-energy show or a Friday from 7pm to 9pm to enjoy afro jazz.

Visit Kasubi tombs

​One thing you will find very common in Africa is the fact that culture is held with so much pride including all that that symbolises or reminds future generations to come the culture that has been preserved for years. Kasubi tombs is a burial ground for the kings of Buganda, one of the chiefdoms in Uganda. It was built in 1882 as a palace for the kings but later turned into a burial ground in 1884. As of today, four tombs lie in the main building which was crafted in a very unique architectural design, circular and surmounted by a dome. It had been maintained with its orginal organic materials that were used when building it that is to say wood, thatch, reed, wattle and daub but unfortunately it caught fire in the recent past and they replaced some of these with modern materials that can resist fires.

The ‘Amabeere ga nyina mwiru’ caves Uganda Safaris

​This unique feature can be seen en-route to Queen Elizabeth national park. The caves are located in Fort portal in the western part of the country. It is advisable to have a bright flash light and preferably pair of boots as you enter the caves. In the company of a local guide, you will head down the think jungle path and you will be greeted by a waterfall that is lovely in a very simple way tumbling down from the cliff. The name is loosely translated as the “breasts of Nyina Mwiru.” There is a history behind this that you need to hear for yourself.

3 Day Gorilla Safari, 1 pax, $2500, 2 pax $ 2100,3 pax $ 1900, 4 pax $ 1800, 6 pax $ 1600
5 Day Uganda Safari, 1 pax, $3500, 2 pax $ 2700,3 pax $ 2500, 4 pax $ 2300, 6 pax $ 2100
6 Days Uganda Tour 1 pax, $3600, 2 pax $ 2800,3 pax $ 2600, 4 pax $ 2400, 6 pax $ 2200
7 Days Adventure Safari pax, $4500, 2 pax $ 4300,3 pax $ 4000, 4 pax $ 3800, 6 pax $ 3700
8 Day best of Uganda 1 pax, $5000, 2 pax $ 4800,3 pax $ 4600, 4 pax $ 4300, 6 pax $ 4000
9 Day Vacation Holiday Trip 1 pax, $5500, 2 pax $ 5000,3 pax $ 4600, 4 pax $ 4400, 6 pax $ 4200

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